Monday, February 18, 2013

20 Before 21

So, I finally hit the big 20 on Friday. What will my 20's bring I wonder? I don't know, but they better be more fun than my teens! In light of making this milestone, I've caved and created a 20 things to do before I'm 21 list. Some of these seem pretty trivial, but HEY! these are things I want to achieve. Also I'm totally that person that wants to mark off everything so I make sort really attainable goals so that I'll have the fulfillment of reaching all of them. So here they are 20 before 21:
1) Take more pictures.
2) Wear pants. (This one seems a little weird, but I honestly detest wearing pants and almost always wear a skirt of a dress. So this is my prompt to not only own more pants, but also to wear them more regularly.)
3) Read 10 books outside of school.
4) Make another granny square blanket.
5) Become a better cook. (There will be a post about this one soon!)
6) Learn to knit socks.
7) Go on a trip.
8) Make a scrapbook. (I may have already completed this one, but no worries, I will make many more!)
9) Get all A's (at least one semester!)
10) Make a new friend.
11) Write letters.
12) Put together a look book or a look book video.
13) Learn to play my banjo.
14) Have a picnic.
15) Write short stories and/or a one act play.
16) Sew a dress.
17) Pet a squirrel (or even better, own a pet squirrel!)
18) Watch ALL of Wes Anderson's movies. (Actually the only one I haven't seen is Life Aquatic, so this is sort of a lame goal.)
19) Kill a snake. (This is a camp goal.)
20) Go to a super amazing concert (I'm looking at you Justin Timberlake!)

That's all folks! Tune in next year to see how well I actually complete these!

1 comment:

  1. If you want to pet a squirrel come to New Haven; those things are fearless, I tell you. You can get as close as you want.
